Delegated Services

Estates, Facilities and Energy Management

Whether you are a MAT with Estates Management team needing a specific piece of work or expertise in an area of work, or a stand-alone Academy, Local Authority School, Independent School or Charity Sector Organisation owning or with a property interest, we offer a comprehensive Estates and Facilities Management service which can be shaped to meet your requirements.

Our Estates, Facilities and Energy Management work is being lead by Jonathan  Davies BSc. with a small team of MRICS qualified or formerly qualified Delegated Service’s staff and a team of Network Partners from different professions including building surveying, engineering, architecture, energy specialists etc. supporting this. 


We also support Estates Managers and on-site teams with advice and training in compliance and skills development.  We work with Approved Contractors to deliver services who have been through a selection process.  To find out more please contact Jonathan using our online form. Please remember to include FAO Jonathan in the message.

The services we currently have on offer are:

  • Estates Management Plan
  • Property Compliance Audits (iAuditor National Tool)
  • Site inspections
  • Specialist Risk Assessments such as fire, asbestos, legionella, ROSPA etc.
  • Condition Surveys and interpretation of Local Authority Condition Surveys with work prioritisation.
  • Refurbishment and space planning support and project management.
  • New build planning
  • CDM training for the Client Lead staff on projects
  • CIF Bid Writing
  • Sourcing approved contractors

We also seek energy efficiency products to support our sectors to save costs in running their buildings.  Scroll through those products below.


Our property services are currently under development so please contact us if you cannot find the support you are looking for and to find out more by contacting us via our online form

View our Training

To view training that is currently being delivered, please head to our Training Information page.

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Our Services

Get best value through a package of services tailored to suit your needs.  Unique 24/7 emergency telephone support.

Let us help you be fully complaint, identify and manage your risks and effectively train your staff at every level of your organisation.

With the UK on a “significant risk” terrorist alert, storms, power cuts, flooding and infection spread, can you afford not to have emergency plans in place?

Training and advice from a team of experts supporting you to deliver up to date, compliant safeguarding practices with trained staff.

We bring expertise and experience to support you in your leadership journey and tested, transformative wellbeing practices for your staff team.

Value for money, organisation and curriculum support from experts in their field and our sectors.

Significant costs and compliance requirements with ageing, inefficient buildings and defects, we provide comprehensive support with expert advice on hand.

Flexible, great value training and library of resources to support you to deliver your legal and compliance responsibilities to your employees, pupils and users.




Comprehensive advice, guidance, training and checking service to ensure compliance and best practice in all aspects of your off-site visits and residentials.

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